VEF Blog

Titre du blog : scythe-of-death
Auteur : scythe-of-death
Date de création : 17-08-2010
posté le 17-08-2010 à 01:32:08

The tears of the real master

Emptiness and blankness
Feeling shalow while the inside is hollow
I'm lost and don't know what road to seize
I see light , I see blackness
I'm far from knowing
I'm sick of thinking
I'm done of choosing
Should I leave muself walking?
Walking throught the unknown
Or Must I make a decision?
All I see is Regret
That feeling haunting me, no matter what I do
All I see are inconsiente struggles
Self-Destruction itself
Blind inner-treatments
All I see is Dead
I'm the mental anguish
I'm The fear people never attend
A Destroyed left corpse
Which the soul is still fighting
Holding thight the dead body
Is all you can see throught my empty eyes.